Welcome to our New Website
A little over a year ago we set ourselves the challenge of developing the new site in-house. A big bonus for us is that we now have a lot more control over the site and we will be able to update it with lightening speed and add features that reflect the shopping experience we hope to supply you with.
It was sad to see our old website retire but it had got too clunky to cope with the modern improvements we wanted to bring you. We hope you find the new website easy to navigate and we will be constantly evolving modern features that we’ve all come to expect in the online shopping world.
We had to go live quicker than we’d hoped because the old site gave up the ghost rather unexpectedly but we had to pull off the Elastoplast sooner or later so here we are. There are still some tidy ups but we’ll get there. The main thing is we wanted to deliver a safe, secure and modern website which reflected our outlook: fresh and focused.
We’d love to hear from you if you have any feedback for us; good or bad. Drop us a line.